Cole West

Request Received

Thank you for choosing Cole West. Your warranty submission was successful.

Next Steps

You will receive an automated e-mail confirming your request.

Within 1-2 business days, a Cole West representative will contact you to schedule an assessment. If for any reason you do not hear from someone within that time frame, please reach out to [email protected].

  • Our warranty department operates Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 AM - 5 PM, MST. We are closed on most major holidays.
  • Warranty appointments are available from 8 AM - 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Service calls may not be scheduled after normal business hours or on weekends.
  • For questions on warranty coverage, please refer to the Warranty Booklet linked on our website; as well as distributed at your walk through.


An EMERGENCY consists of any of the following:

  1. Total loss of heat in the winter months when temperatures are below 50 degrees.*
  2. Total loss of air conditioning in the summer months when temperatures are above 100 degrees.*
  3. Total loss of electricity, to your home only, not a neighborhood outage.*
  4. Total loss of water to your home or a water leak that requires the water to be shut off at the meter to avoid serious damage to your home and personal property.*
  5. Sewer backup in the main drain lines.*


  • Please refer to your emergency sticker under your kitchen sink and call the proper trade directly if faced with an emergency consistent with the terms above.
  • Please submit a warranty request within 2 business days of an emergency event even if the concern was addressed.

*If you experience a disruption in utility services such as electricity, gas or water that is community-wide, please contact the appropriate utility company.